Czy wiesz, że Emilio Estevez…

No dobra nie do końca jest to prawda 😉  Emilio Estevez chciał wykorzystać “Wanted Dead Or Alive” w napisach końcowych drugiej części  filmu “Young Guns”. Jon oczywiście jako fan pierwszej części od razu wyraził zgodę. Po zastanowieniu uznał, że jednak utwór nie będzie pasował do filmu i nagra coś nowego.  Ostatecznie Jon napisał nominowany do Oscara utwór przewodni, a także cały album inspirowany scenariuszem. Pomimo iż ostatecznie nie usłyszeliśmy “Wanted Dead Or Alive” w filmie, to Emilio zdecydowanie nie mógł narzekać 😉

Oto cała historia według Jona:

O całej historii opowiedział również John Fusco – scenarzysta obu części “Młodych Strzelb”:
Fusco used Bon Jovi’s “Wanted Dead or Alive” as “mood music” while writing the first film because it captured the contemporary rock ‘n roll cowboy feel he was going for in his telling of the Billy the Kid story. He told star Emilio Estevez that on a research road trip, and Estevez asked his pal Jon Bon Jovi if they could use the song over the end credits of the first movie, but Jon thought the song was too contemporary – the steel horse he rides is the band’s tour bus – and said he’d rather write something new. That never happened, but the seed was planted. Jon became a fan of the 1988 Brat Pack Western after its release and borrowed Estevez’s script for the sequel. One day he showed up on the Galisteo, New Mexico set of Young Guns II, acoustic guitar in hand, and Estevez introduced him to a surprised Fusco and said Jon had something he wanted to show him. They went into Estevez’s trailer, and Jon played “Blaze of Glory,” singing the lyrics from a crumpled sheet of notebook paper. “It had the edge and outlaw spirit of ‘Wanted Dead or Alive’ but no anachronisms, and I loved it,” Fusco says. “I went out on-set and got my coproducers, and Jon played it a second time. It was pretty much a done deal right there. He told us about his plans to do a solo album and maybe write some other songs that were inspired by the film.”


Jak widać John troszeczkę pomieszał początek historii 😉


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